Residential Care Subsidy
Make an appointment with Waikato DHB’s Disability Support Link on 07 839 1441 for a NASC Needs Assessment. If you require assistance with this; please discuss with the Manager of the Rest Home. Your GP can request a NASC needs assessment.
Arrange Enduring Power of Attorney for personal Care and Welfare and Enduring Power of Attorney for Property, setting out who can make decisions on personal care, and on financial matters, if the person entering our care is unable to.
Call WINZ for advice about eligibility for a Residential Care Subsidy or Residential Care Loan.
Respite Care
Disability Support Link provides an allocation of days per year of funded Rest Home care for those being cared for in their own homes. The intention of this policy is to provide a break for the carer. Eligibility for this subsidy must be approved before admission for a short stay, unless Respite Care is being paid for privately. Your doctor will be able to apply for this subsidy on your behalf.